Posts by Alec Orban
DOD Acquisition Advisory Panel Recommends Doubling SBIR
Section 809 Panel Report #1: Streamlining & Codifying Acquisition The “Section 809 Panel” is an small advisory group created by section 809 of the FY 2016 National Defense Authorization Act […]
Recently Released Report enhances and supports Navy & AF Economic Impact Studies
A study conducted by Robin Gaster, Ph. D. of Incumetrics was recently released that analyzed the methodology and conclusions of SBIR Economic Impact Studies performed by the Air Force and […]
President Signs 2018 NDAA, Including Positive SBIR/STTR Provisions
President Trump signed the Fiscal Year 2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law, and there are a lot of positive provisions for small business and changes to the SBIR/STTR programs included […]
SBTC Endorses Senate SBIR/STTR Improvement Bill S. 1961
Earlier this week, the Senate released its SBIR/STTR impovement bill, the “SBIR and STTR Oversight and Pilot Program Extension Act of 2017” (S. 1961). The Small Business Technology Council supports this bill, […]