SBTC is the oldest and largest nonprofit organization representing small, technology-based companies in diverse fields. Since its inception, SBTC has played a crucial role in providing valuable data and research on the highly successful SBIR Program. In addition to being the lead advocate on the Hill for small-business technology issues, SBTC has built unprecedented support across the federal government for the SBIR program. This resource center provides detailed analysis and critical data on the SBIR program and other key small-business technology issues.

SBTC White Paper – Unleashing DODs Small Business Technology Potential
In July 2023 SBTC wrote and sent to DOD a white paper offering several suggestions for how to better utilize and transition technology developed by the SBIR program and other small business-focused defense innovation programs.



The Navy, the Air Force, and several other military and civilian agencies have released comprehensive guidebooks for Program Managers, Contracting Officers, and Small Business Professionals to help them navigate the SBIR/STTR Phase III process, and answer any questions that may arise about how the Phase III program is designed to operate.  We will continue to update this list with any new guidebooks or desk references on SBIR/STTR Phase III contracting as they are released.

US Navy SBIR/STTR Phase III Guidebook v2.0
USAF SBIR/STTR Phase III Desk Reference
USAF SBIR/STTR Phase III Desk Reference v2.0
Army SBIR Phase III Guidebook
NASA SBIR/STTR Phase III Contracting Handbook
NOAA SBIR Phase III Contracting Guidelines


Starting with the Air Force, a number of agencies have commissioned studies to determine the impacts of the SBIR and STTR programs have had on the economy.  Since SBIR and STTR awards  are seed-stage investments, it can take years, sometimes decades for the technologies to fully mature.  Now that the SBIR is over 35 years old, these studies can look into the full effects these programs have had on America’s economy.

DOD-Wide SBIR/STTR Economic Impact Study, 1995-2018
>US Air Force SBIR/STTR Economic Impact Study, 2000-2013
>US Navy SBIR/STTR Economic Impact Study, 2000-2013
>National Economic Impacts from the Air Force and Navy SBIR/STTR Programs, 2000-2013
A a follow-up to the Air Force and Navy Economic Impact Studies of the SBIR/STTR Programs, this paper examines and comapres those studies to draw conclusions from their similarities and differences.
>National Economic Impacts from the National Cancer Institute SBIR/STTR Program, 1998-2018
>Impacts of the SBIR/STTR Programs: Summary and Analysis
An overview of the economic impacts of the SBIR/STTR Program across all agencies over the life of the programs.
>DOD Rapid Innovation Fund: A Report on RIF Effectiveness FY2011-2016
This Report, released in 2020, analyzes the effectiveness of the RIF program both in terms of economic outputs and transition success, among other metrics.


2024 DOD SBIR/STTR Due Diligence Memo
In May 2024, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks published this Department-wide memo to clarify and formalize processes for DOD SBIR offices to comply with the Foreign Risk Management/Due Diligence requirements established in the 2022 SBIR/STTR Extension Act.



SBTC SBIR/STTR Extension Act of 2022 Guidebook

SBTC has written and published a guidebook on the SBIR/STTR Extension Act of 2022 for small businesses to help them understand the changes to the SBIR law, and how to come into compliance with new requirements.

Letter from 117 Organizations Urging Congress to Extend SBIR/STTR
SBTC 1-Page SBIR Reauthorization Handout
May 2022 DOD Letter Urging Congress to Reauthorize SBIR
June 2022 DOD Response to RFI on SSBC Legislative Proposal
July 2022 DOD Response to RFI on SSBC & HSBC Legislative Proposals


SBTC Comment on DFARS Data Rights Regulation
In March 2023 SBTC submitted a comment to the Federal Register on changes to the DFARS regulations that would conform a 20-year data rights period for SBIR to the same period that exists in SBIR policy directives, as well make other changes relative to SBIR.

Jere Glover Testimony to Senate on SBIR/STTR – September 22, 2021
SBTC Executive Director Jere Glover testified before the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee on the SBIR/STTR programs, and the need to reauthorize them before they expire in 2022.

SBTC Comments on 2 AFWERX Papers
List of Topics for Discussion with AFWERX SBIR Changes
SBTC Concerns with AFWERX SBIR Changes
SBTC Letter to Dr. Roper on AFWERX and SBIR Transition
SBTC Drafted these three documents in response to the Air Force’s 20.1 SBIR/STTR solicitation that introduced radical changes to its SBIR program.

Jere Glover Testimony to House on SBIR/STTR – May 13, 2021
SBTC Executive Director testified before the House Small Business Committee on the SBIR/STTR programs in advance of expected SBIR/STTR reauthorization legislation.

DOD Memo Requiring 20-year Data Rights be Included in SBIR/STTR Contracts
This memo sent in March to Procurement and Acquisition Executives at the DOD requires all DOD Contracting officers to include the language attached to this memo enforcing the 20-year data rights protection period established by the SBIR/STTR policy directives in April 2019.

SBIR Success Stories – 2019
A book of 42 of the biggest success stories in the SBIR program, compiled by Techlink.

Jere Glover Testimony to Senate Committee on SBIR/STTR – May 15, 2019
SBTC Executive Jere was invited to by the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee on SBIR/STTR reauthorization.  This is his full written testimony, including legislative recommendations.

SBTC White Paper on DOD Contracting & Innovation
At the Senate Armed Services request, in late 2018 SBTC Board memebers met and briefed them on the challenges and issues faced by small businesses contracting with the DOD.  This white paper was drafted to illustrate and describe those concerns, and provided recommendations.

SBTC Presentation to DOD Office of Research, Technology, and Laboratories on SBIR/STTR Program
In March 2019 SBTC met with Director of Research, Technology, and Laboratories Dr. Lei and the DOD SBIR/STTR team to brief them on the importance of the programs to small business, the warfighter, and the American economy.

Navy Memo: Small Business Utilization for a Strategic Advantage
Navy Issued this Memo in August 2018 directing PEOs and acquisition teams with the Navy to prioritize small business projects and authorities, particularly SBIR/STTR projects

SBTC Comment to NIST on Improving Federal Technology Transfer
This document was submitted to NIST in July of 2018 in response to a request for information on ways to improve and streamline federal technology transfer

SBIR/STTR: The Best Return on Taxpayer Dollar
This 2-page handout from 2018 highlights the economic benefits to the SBIR/STTR program to the American Economy, and offers a series of recommendations for improving its returns.

Estimating Future Outcomes from Innovation Programs: the Air Force and Navy SBIR/STTR programs
An analysis of the Navy and Air Force Economic Impact studies that shows that those two studies likely underestimated the impact of SBIR/STTR on the economy

DOD Memo on Streamlining Innovative Technology Awards
In January 2018 the Under Secretary for Defense Pricing and Procurement (DPAP) issued this memo announcing a pilot program that would exempt competitive small business awards (including SBIR/STTR) from certified cost or pricing data requirements, as well as audits or records negotiations.  The pilot program is set to expire on October 1, 2020.

Air Force Report: SBIR Saves JSF Program $500 million
This report released by the Air Force documents savings of over $500 million in lifecycle costs for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program as a result of SBIR contributions

How Good an Investment has SBIR Been? Examining the program’s business and economic impact 
SBIR Economic Impact: Intro
SBIR Economic Impact: Venture Capital Investment
SBIR Economic Impact: Patents
SBIR Economic Impact: IPOs
SBIR Economic Impact: Mergers & Acquisitions
SBIR Economic Impact: Business Collaborations
For SBTC’s 2017 Membership Meeting in Washington, Ann Eskesen and InKnowVation presented a study on the economic impacts of SBIR on the American economy, covering VC investment, Patents, IPOs, Mergers, and other business collaboratinos.  The slides from this presentation are linked above

2018 White Paper on DOE Cost-Sharing Requirements
This 2018 revision of SBTC’s older white paper outlines the problems and issues small businesses have with meeting DOE’s R&D cost-sharing requirements, and why it is so important to waive these requirements to increase small business participation within DOE’s R&D programs

SBTC SBIR White Paper 2017
SBTC drafted a white paper on SBIR and STTR policy in the beginning of 2017, focusing on the economic impact and benefits of the SBIR/STTR programs.

Ron Shroder Testimony Before the House Small Business & Science Committees
On May 4, 2017, the House Small Business Committee and House Science Committee held a joint hearing to discuss the SBIR/STTR programs, and ways to improve them.  SBTC Board Member and CEO of Frontier Technologies, Inc. Ron Shroder was invited to testify.  This is his written testimony.

Jere Glover Testimony Before the Senate Small Business Committee – January 2016
On January 28, 2016 Jere Glover testified before the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee on the subject of SBIR/STTR reauthorization.  This is his submitted written testimony.

GAO Rapid Innovation Fund Study
This comprehensive study of the Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) program by the GAO shows that the RIF program has been successful is its brief time in existence, and recommends steps to be taken to strengthen and improve the program.

Letter to Speaker Boehner Regarding HR 9
This letter urges Speaker Boehner to oppose HR 9, aka the Innovation Act, and instead support the TROL Act as alternative patent reform legislation.

Letter to DOE Secretary Asking for Clear Phase III Policy
The SBTC sent a letter to the DOE Secretary Moniz asking him to develop a clear Phase III Policy at the DOE.

Letter to Senate Opposing Patent Reform Legislation HR 9
This letter was sent in March 2015 to all Senators asking them to oppose patent reform legislation that was passed by the House of Representatives as HR 9.  SBTC believes that this legislation if passed could seriously harm small businesses’ ability to protect their patents in court.

SBTC Phase III Survey Results
SBTC RIF Survey Results
The results of a survey the SBTC conducted at the end of 2014/beginning of 2015 of SBIR companies asking what issues and obstacles they face in pursuing Phase III contracting.  Also included were questions specifically for RIF companies about their experiences with that program.

Navy Ass Sec. Stackley Memo on Small Business Contracting
A memo issued by Navy Assistant Secretary Stackley to PEOs praising small businesses and ordering them to come up with strategies to increase small business contracting and subcontracting in Navy programs.

Letter to NIH Regarding Indirect Cost Rates
A letter to the NIH SBIR Program Office raising concerns about indirect cost rate changes that have recently been implemented.

SBTC Comments on SBIR Policy Directives
The SBTC Submitted its comments on proposed revisions to SBA’s SBIR Policy Directives, specifically related to data rights and Phase III Policy.

SBTC Letter to Congress Regarding Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program
A letter sent to the House and Senate Armed Services Committee requesting that they discontinue, or at least reform, the DOD’s Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program (CSP).  Our membership believes that this 25 year old pilot program makes it more difficult for small businesses to receive subcontracts from large prime contractors, and that there is no substantive research proving the CSP has any benefit to small business or the DOD.

SBIR Primer
This simple 1-page handout describes in layman’s terms what the SBIR program is, how it works, and why it is successful.  It is meant to be used as a basic, easy-to-understand handout to congressional staffers and other government officials who aren’t familiar with the SBIR program.

2014 SBIR White Paper – How Congress Can Help SBIR Companies Create Jobs
A detailed, extensive look at the SBIR program in 2014 within the context of the current economic and innovation climate, with recommendations to Congress about how to improve and expand the program.

Bob Schmidt HSBC Hearing Written Testimony – May 2014
SBTC Co-Chair Bob Schmidt’s written testimony for the House Small Business Committee Hearing titled “Oversight of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs”.  This hearing was focused on investigating the effects that the programmatic changes to the SBIR and STTR programs made by the SBIR Reauthorization Act of 2011 had on the private sector, and how those changes had been implemented by the agencies.

Letter the Senate Outlining SBTC Objections to the Proposed TRANSFER Act
The SBTC sent this letter to the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Senate Commerce and Small Business Committees outlining our objections with the proposed TRANSFER Act.  The TRANSFER Act would redirect 25% of STTR funds (exactly the amount the STTR was increased in the last reauthorization) to create a new, university-only program focused on identifying areas to translating basic research into commercializable research.

Letter to DOD IG regarding Report on SBIR Phase III IP protection
This letter to the DOD Assistant Investigator General Jacqueline Wicecarver commenting on her March 2014 report into Phase III awards that were made to other than small businesses.  The letter highlights several problems with the report, as well as lists a number of issues facing small businesses trying to protect their intellectual property while contracting with the DOD.

Letter From SBA Office of Advocacy Highlighting Concerns About Proposed Patent Reform Legislation
This letter was sent by the Chief Counsel of the SBA Office of Advocacy Winslow Sargeant to Chairwoman of the Senate Small Business Committee Mary Landrieu listing some of the concerns that small businesses have with the proposed patent reform legislation in Congress, and describing how these changes in patent law could hurt small businesses and stifle innovation.

Jere Glover’s Senate Roundtable Statement  Dec 18, 2013
On December 18, 2013, Executive Director Jere Glover testified before a Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee roundtable to discuss the SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act two years after it was passed, including what has been accomplished and what still needs to be fixed.  This is his submitted statement to the committee.

RIF White Paper
This white paper offers a brief overview of the Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) program at the DOD.  It covers the history of efforts to generate more commercialization returns from the SBIR program that led to the RIF program, and offers some insight to how the program is working so far.

SBTC Comment on proposed SBA commercialization benchmark regulations
This is a formal comment submitted by the SBTC to SBA in October 2013 highlighting some concerns we have with SBA’s proposed commercialization benchmark regulation changes.

SBTC Comments on SBIR Policy Directive
The SBTC submitted these comments to the SBA highlighting thoughts and concerns on the proposed changes to the SBIR Policy Directive released on August 6, 2012.

SBTC Comments on Proposed SBIR Rule Changes
These are the formal comments by the SBTC on the proposed changes to the SBIR size regulations that were submitted to the SBA on July 16, 2012

Comments on SBA Data Collection
The SBTC provided comments on new proposed rules regarding data collection for SBIR companies as mandated by the new SBIR reauthorization law. These comments were submitted for the Federal Register on May 21st.

SBTC DOD White Paper 2012
This white paper was drafted by the SBTC to offer recommendations to the DOD for how they can implement changes to the SBIR program as mandated by the new SBIR reauthorizaztion law from the 2012 NDAA.

Small Business Letter to Congressional Leadership
This letter was sent to House and Senate leaders on December 7, 2011 urging them to include the Senate SBIR reauthorization language in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011. It was signed by 945 small businesses and small business organizations.

Remembering Milt Stewart
A brief history of former Chief Advocate of Small Business Milton Stewart’s contributions to the creation of the Small Business Innovation Research program, as recalled by the “father” of the SBIR program, Roland Tibbetts.

Creating Jobs Through Expanding the STTR Program
This paper advocates the increase in the STTR allocation from 0.3% to 2.5% of Federal R&D extramural research expenditures, and argues that this increase can increase high-tech jobs without increasing the budget or deficit.

NRC SBIR Study Summary
This is a summary of some of the critical findings of the National Research Council’s 2008 study on the effectiveness of the SBIR program. This summary was originally included in Mike Squillante’s March 2011 testimony before the House Committee on Small Business.

Michael Squillante’s Testimony Before the House Small Business Committe – March 2011
On March 16, 2011 SBTC Chairman of the Board of Directors Michael Squillante was invited to testify before the House Small Business Committee in a hearing about SBIR reauthorization. This is his written testimony.

Universities and SBIR Companies – Comparing Commercialization Results
This one pager analyzes the recent AUTM study on University Licensing and compares commercialization returns for universities to those for SBIR companies.

The SBIR Program – It Is Working
A one-page handout touting the success of the SBIR program.

Jere Glover’s Testimony to Senate Small Business Committee – February 2011
On February 17th 2011, Jere Glover testified before the Senate Small Business Committee in a hearing discussing the reauthorization of the SBIR and STTR programs. This is his written testimony that was entered into the record.

SBTC White House Recommendations on SBIR
In October several members of the SBTC had a meeting with the White House National Economic Council on the SBIR program, and during the meeting, our organization was requested to draft a list of recommendations for ways the Administration could improve the SBIR program without legislative action. After discussions with several SBTC members, this paper was drafted and presented to the White House.

SBIR DOD Phase III Recommendations
A white paper written by SBTC members offering recommendations to the Department of Defense for how the new Rapid Innovation Program can be most effectively implemented.

Where Do Innovations Come From
This article by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation takes a look at what sectors of the American economy are producing the most technological innovations. Among its findings are that small businesses, and in particular SBIR companies produce a very high percent of the top technological innovations in America, despite receiving a relatively small percent of government R&D funding.

Letter to President Obama Commending Kristina Johnson
A letter drafted by the SBTC and delivered to the White House Commending Department of Energy Under Secretary Kristina Johnson for promoting and creating new opportunities for small businesses at the DOE.

DOE Advisory Group Phase III White Paper
The Department of Energy (DOE) Advisory Group, a group of small-business owners with experience working with DOE, has crafted two papers highlighting key issues that need addressing within the DOE.

DOE Advisory Group Cost Sharing White Paper
The second of the two papers devised by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advisory Group, this paper addresses cost-sharing issues within the DOE, its unintended consequences, and how it puts small businesses at a competitive disadvantage to larger businesses.

Pew Report on Public Trust in Government and Small Business
The Pew Research Center recently conducted a study that analyzed the level of public trust in the government and the satisfaction with the current economic situation. They found that, while the Federal government and wall street were rated very poorly, small businesses received very high marks from the public, especially tech-oriented firms.

White Paper on the Importance of SBIR
White paper developed by Roland Tibbets, the founder of the SBIR program, detailing the successes of, and need for the SBIR program.

Asst. Secretary of the Navy James Finley’s 2008 Memo on SBIR Phase III
This memo, sent out to the Secretaries of all the Military Departments and Directors of Defense Agencies, clarified Phase III requirements and statutes for government procurement contracting.