SBTC Recognizes GSA Administrator Emily Murphy with Lifetime Achievement Award

The Small Business Technology Council yesterday recognized the Administrator of the General Services Administration, Emily Murphy, with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work for and with small business.

Administrator Murphy was the driving force behind GSA’s new SBIR Phase III pilot program, in which the GSA Office of Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS) will perform contracting services for outside government agencies who want to award SBIR Phase III contracts to companies to further their SBIR Phase I and II technologies.  SBTC believes this groundbreaking new program has the potential to greatly increase the amount and rapidity of funding for commercialization and follow-on funding available to small businesses.

Already a number of SBIR firms have begun to utilize this pilot program and receive Phase III contracts through the GSA.  The first two contracts awarded through this program in September were both women-owned small businesses: a 1-year $2.2 million contract to Discover Machine Inc in Williamsport, PA; and an IDIQ $150 million contract to the Perduco Group in Beavercreek, OH.  We encourage any company who is looking for a contracting source to facilitate Phase III funding for their SBIR technology to check out this program.

GSA SBIR Phase III Pilot Program Portal

In addition to the GSA Phase III initiative, Emily Murphy has worked for years on small business issues in positions with the House Small Business Committee, House Armed Services Committee, and Small Business Administration.  SBTC has always found her to be incredibly knowledgeable, hard working, creative, and a tremendous ally of small business wherever she has worked.  We look forward to continuing to work with Ms. Murphy on future issues and programs, and believe her to be a worthy and deserving recipient of this award.