The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program is a tremendously successful competitive innovation program specifically for high-tech small businesses. Since it was first authorized in 1982, it has helped tens of thousands of small businesses fund and develop their new technologies using a 2 phase approach. SBIR is designed to fill a gap in funding between basic research and commercialization that often prevents businesses from developing promising, but risky ideas into marketable technologies. Recent economic studies have shown that SBIR firms return $12 of benefit to the economy for every $1 invested in the government, making SBIR one of, if not the most cost-effective programs.
As an advocate for SBIR firms around the country, SBTC is committed to working with Congress and the Agencies to help them strengthen and grow this program. We depend on the support and contributions of our member SBIR firms to work to make sure that they have a strong voice in the policy making process in Washington.