The Small Business Technology Council is the only organization that advocates solely for small business technology firms and the communities they serve on a broad spectrum of issues. Speaking for the entire small business technology industry and its two million employees gives SBTC a powerful voice — on Capitol Hill, with the Regulatory agencies, in the courts and through the media.
The resources provided by SBTC in the area of advocacy will help you keep abreast of the current GR priorities, as well as provide information on important issues, recent legislative or regulatory updates and key staff contacts within SBTC.
The SBTC played a critical role in getting the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program a long-term reauthorization in December 2011 that will extend the program through fiscal year 2017. Getting SBIR reauthorized without radically changing the nature of the program was a primary focus for our organization, and it was in large part due to the hard work and dedication of our membership, that it was finally achieved.
But a legislative reauthorization of the SBIR program doesn’t mean our work in Washington DC is done. The new SBIR legislation contains many changes to the SBIR program, and how those changes that are written in the law are interpreted and implemented by the federal agencies will have a profound effect on the companies that participate in this program. Therefore, with regards to the SBIR program, our focus has shifted from Congress to the federal agencies. We are continually monitoring and communicating with the federal agencies to make sure that they are implementing the new SBIR provisions in a way that represents the best interests of the small business technology community.
House Committee on Small Business
The House Small Business Committee was established to protect and assist small businesses. As such, the Committee has jurisdiction over matters related to small business financial aid, regulatory flexibility, and paperwork reduction. Additionally, the House Small Business Committee has oversight and legislative authority over the Small Business Administration (SBA) and its programs.
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Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship
The Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship is directed under the standing rules of the United States Senate to be referred all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials, and other matters relating to the Small Business Administration (SBA).
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SBIR Program Directive
View the most updated policy directives and responsibilities for agencies participating in the SBIR program.
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